Wednesday, 26 June 2013

All Jumbled Up

Do you ever have days where you can't finish a thought, or even a part of a thought?? Today was one of those days for me. I think mostly I am still adjusting to having all FIVE boys home for summer vacation.  Although one of them is visiting for the week with my Grandmother, it was crazy busy!! Building forts, playing two square, haircut (for me which I managed to sneak away for), nap for Warrin, supper, then off to Kilarney Lake for a run! I wonder sometimes how we, as parents manage all of this successfully, but we do, and we love every minute of it! 

Next week is mine and Evan's 14th anniversary and we are taking a two night mini vacation:) This is how we do it, we take time to sneak away and enjoy each other. Mostly we find ourselves talking about the kids and all the things we hope to accomplish but still it's time to breath and regroup. One thing I have learned over these past 14 years is that you can't wait until your children grow up to make time for your relationship, this is a huge mistake made by many moms and dads. The truth is there will be no "later" if you don't pay attention now! When your children grow up ( which believe it or not they will) and move away, your husband will still be there by your side. So I guess what I'm trying to say is pay attention to your marriage, and take advantage of those few quiet minutes to say I love you! 

Well I'm off to put my little ones to bed and spend some time with my hubby!!

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